My name is Payson and I am in Computer Programming seventh period. I am a junior at Acalanes High School. I enjoy music, movies, climbing, skiing, and video-games. I love all types of music but mostly EDM and rap. My favorite movies include Interstellar, Spirited Away, and Avatar. My favorite actors are Robert Downey Jr. and Jason Statham. I try to ski whenever I can but lately there havn't been very many oppertunites due to the lack of snow. I will climb pretty much anything I can find. My favorite video-games are Skyrim, Black ops 2, and Team Fortress 2. My favorite foods are cereal, sushi, salami, cheese, french fries, eggs, steak, and orange chicken. I consider myself very tech-savvy and I love messing with technology. I am very excited to be in this class and expand my knowledge of computers.
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